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10 use of the principle of corrugated cat scratch board

Cat people know that cats prefer a fixed place grasping things, not only to leave the odor glands on the paws and let other cats know that this is its territory. Moreover cat scratch thing is not to wear their claws sharp, but to the outside layer of the casing wear claws to get down, so there has been a good and long sharp claws exposed.
Even now the cat has lived in the human family, but because of its nature, or will select at least one place in the home task. Once when the cat caught a furniture later, it will often catch the same place. If you want your cat to use cat scratch board, you can choose the growing popularity of cat scratch corrugated paper plate, but preferably on the ground, easy to grab the cat, particularly kittens, from an early age began to help him prepare, put it to sleep or rest area. Or you can also fixed to the wall, but the cat scratch board independent stand on the ground, easy to fall down in the grasp of the process, in fact, it is not fixed in the wall of the well.
Has been arrested for the place, may be wound on a heavy plastic, cats do not like the taste, then put in front of it you want it to grab the cat scratch corrugated paper board, remember the following principles:
1, put off to sleep, a place to rest near the area.
2, it is best not only to prepare a cat scratch board, because there is a place to sleep should be placed next to.
3, easy to fall down catch plate is of no use, rather it is fixed on the wall.
4, the size of the cat scratch board is preferably a width of about 15-20 cm and a length of about 30-40 cm.
5, cat scratch board or to flat on the ground, or to vertically fixed to the wall.
6, vertical corrugated paper cat scratch plate from the ground to about 30 cm, please grow up with cats body size adjustment, the focus is to make the cat can easily grasp the stand.
7, cat scratch board Material cork better, such as pine, cedar, mahogany the best out of the best wrap twine.
8, when the cat began to regularly use, has been to use a fixed, cat scratch board to move to the desired location.
9, before your cat is not completely ready to catch cat scratch board, thick plastic furniture caught on the cover is not removable.
10, cat scratch board's material, must be like the cat.
9, before your cat is not completely ready to catch cat scratch board, thick plastic furniture caught on the cover is not removable.
10, cat scratch board's material, must be like the cat.
Finally, please do not buy completely caught not a bad catch plate, cats do not like this kind of thing, grasp mess please do not rush to replace the lost, because the cat is like the mark!
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